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. 2007 Dec 18;275(1634):565–570. doi: 10.1098/rspb.2007.1478

Table 2.

Response of symbiosis in A. fabae clone 13 to dietary amino acid concentration over 8 days of larval development. (Values of mean±s.e. (10 replicates) are shown; values in one column with the same superscript letter are not significantly different by Tukey's post hoc test (p>0.05).)

dietary amino acids (mM) aphid weight (mg) density of bacteria (107×number of bacteria mg−1 fresh weight)

B. aphidicola R. insecticola
150 0.56±0.016a 2.28±0.096 0.10±0.007a
100 0.33±0.025b 2.49±0.136 0.13±0.008a
50 0.19±0.015c 2.27±0.146 0.14±0.010a
25 0.13±0.004d 2.53±0.072 0.29±0.023b
ANOVA: F3,36 126.9, p<0.001 1.4, p>0.05 36.6, p<0.001