A: Frequency distribution histogram of the synapse lengths of GSP, CT, and IX axon terminals in control (outline) and sodium-restricted (solid gray bars) rats. Frequencies for each nerve are displayed as a percentage of the total to allow visual comparison between groups. Median and population size (n) are indicated for each nerve in sodium-restricted rats. B: Mean synapse length of GSP, CT, and IX axon terminals in control (open bars) and sodium-restricted (solid bars) rats. In comparing sodium-restricted rats to controls, synapses associated with GSP and IX axon terminals were longer, while synapses associated with CT axon terminals were shorter (asterisks indicate an alpha value less than 0.05). In comparing the three gustatory afferent nerves within sodium-restricted rats, synapses found on CT axon terminals were significantly shorter than synapses on GSP and IX terminals (significance not shown on graph). In control rats there were no significant differences among means (P > 0.2). Error bars indicate standard error.