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. 2008 Oct;109(1):1–17. doi: 10.1016/j.cognition.2008.06.011

Table 1.

Overview of experimental conditions

Real word conditions Nonword conditions
Regular past tense baseline 1 Regular past in /t/& /d/ [+Coronal, +Voice Agreement] filled – fill in /t/ and /d/ gubbed - gub

Coronality and voicing 2 Pseudo past in /t/ & /d/ [+Coronal, +Voice Agreement] mild – mile also gubbed - gub
3 [+Coronal, -VoiceAgreement] in /t/ belt - bell in /t/ steet - stee
4 [-Coronal, -VoiceAgreement] in /p/ & /k/ lamp - lamb in /p/ and /k/ wump - wum

Inflectional paradigm (Manner of articulation) 5 Present tense in /s/ & /z/ [+Coronal, +Voice Agreement] fails - fail in /s/ and /z/ pakes - pake
6 Plural in /s/ & /z/ [+Coronal, +Voice Agreement] meals - meal also pakes - pake

Syllabicity 7 Regular past in /id/ folded - fold in /id/milted – milt
8 Progressive aspect Inline graphicfending – fend in Inline graphicsunching - sunch