Figure 2. bilateral gynandromorphy.
(A) Papilio glaucus, used with permission from James K. Adams, showing boundary between male and female cells exactly down the midline.
(B) A bilateral gynandromorph lobster, used with permission of the Bangor Daily News; photo by Abigail Curtis.
(C) A CHILD syndrome patient with harlequin pigmentation, used with permission of John Wiley and Sons from the American Journal of Medical Genetics, 2000, 90: 340.
(D) A gynandromophic blue crab, Callinectes sapidus (ventral view; left side of the body exhibiting the narrower abdomen typical of males), with permission from Rom Lipcius (VIMS); taken from (Kleps et al., 2007).
(E) A section of the brain of a gynandromorphic finch processed for in situ hybridization with probes to sex-specific transcripts (dark signal = female chromosome, no signal = male chromosome), where expression of a molecular marker in the brain of a gynandromorphic finch reveals that the separation between male and female cells is exactly down the midline. Image taken from Fig. 6 of (Agate et al., 2003), copyright held by National Academy of Sciences of the United States.