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. 2008 Sep 17;112(12):4699–4711. doi: 10.1182/blood-2008-01-137018

Figure 2.

Figure 2

Tissue macrophage content in wild-type and macFoxp1tg mice was assessed using immunostaining and 4-color flow cytometry. Photomicrographs of lung (original magnification 40×/0.65), liver (×40), and spleen (10×/0.25) stained with the macrophage-specific antibodies F4/80 (A) and Mac-3 (B). (C) Four-color flow cytometry was performed to evaluate leukocyte subpopulations within the spleen. Splenic monocytes/macrophages (CD11bhiCD90midB220midCD49bmidNK1.1midLy6Gmid cells) were divided into F4/80hi CD11chiI-Abhi macrophages/dendritic cells and F4/80lo CD11cloI-Ab1o monocytes. Representative flow cytometry and percentage gate quantification of F4/80hi CD11chiI-Abhi macrophage/dendritic cells (mean ± SD; n = 3 spleens per genotype).