Figure 2. HEI10 depletion increases cell migration.
A. Migration of U2OS cells treated with two different HEI10-directed (siHEI10) or control (Scr) siRNAs through wells of a Boyden chamber. This experiment was performed 3 times in triplicate; numbers shown reflect average values. Similar results were obtained with siRNA treated MCF7 cells (not shown). Statistical analysis of Scr versus the two HEI10-targeted siRNAs indicates **P < 0.001 and *P< 0.01 respectively. B. Comparison of “wound” closure over 24 hours following scratching of a monolayer of cells treated 48 hours previously with two different HEI10-directed (siHEI10) or control (Scr) siRNAs. C. Quantitation of results in B. HEI10-depleted cells (squares, gray line) migrate more rapidly than Scr-depleted cells (diamonds, black line), P < 0.005 or better at all time points.