Figure 1.
Experimental protocol. A, Schematic of a rat brain coronal section [B, +2.70 according to Paxinos and Watson (2005)] showing the position of the two frontal microinjection cannula/bipolar wire electrodes. B, ABC staining of the diffusion of BDNF (right) and anti-BDNF (left) ∼30 and 120 min after the injections, respectively. CC, Corpus callosum; I–II, cortical layers I and II; V–VI, cortical layers V and VI. C, Experimental design for the injection of BDNF and its vehicle. D, Experimental design for the injection of BDNF blockers and their corresponding control. BSL, Baseline day (24 h before the injection); EXP, experimental day. Every day the animals were gently handled for 30 min after light onset. The day of the injection, rats were first handled as usual, injected soon afterward, and then kept awake by exposure to novel objects for either 1 h (C) or 4 h (D). The light and dark bars indicate the light and dark period, respectively. Rats are nocturnal animals and therefore tend to sleep mostly during the day and stay awake during the night.