Figure 1. A. I260Q misincorporates and extends mispairs in the missing base primer extension assay.
On the left side of the gel image are results from experiments in which one base is deleted from the reaction mixture. On the right side of the gel image are results from “one at a time primer extension” experiments in which only one base is present in the reaction mixture. These primer extension assays were carried out with 50 nM CII, a 5bp-gapped substrate and 750nM enzyme. “W” lanes are for WT and “Q” lanes are for I260Q variant. “Missing nucleotide(s)” represents nucleotide(s) that were excluded from the reaction. The arrows point to the expected pause sites in the absence of the complementary base. B. Quantification of “one at a time primer extension” assay. Empty bars represent the amount of primer extended by WT and filled bars represent the amount of primer extended by I260Q.