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. 2007 May 11;44(8):541–544. doi: 10.1136/jmg.2007.049965

Table 2 Maximum Spigelman stage associated with germline APC mutation and pregnancy status of female patients with familial adenomatous polyposis.

Germline mutation Pregnancy before highest stage n (%) p Value† Germline mutation Pregnancy before highest stage n (%) p Value†
Stage 1/2* Stage 3/4* Stage 1/2* Stage 3/4 *
Non‐MCR No 29 (78) 8 (22) 0.3 <1020 No 12 (75) 4 (25) 0.9
Yes 44 (72) 17 (28) Yes 32 (76) 10 (24)
MCR No 13 (100) 0 (0) <0.01 ⩾1020 No 30 (88) 4 (12) <0.01
Yes 6 (50) 6 (50) Yes 19 (58) 13 (42)

*n (%) with maximum Spigelman stage.

†pValues are from testing for a significant difference in the proportion of women who experienced a high Spigelman stage before pregnancy and those who did not, nested within categories of germline mutation (MCR vs non‐MCR and before vs after nucleotide 1020. Logistic regression adjusted for age at colectomy and clustered on family.