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. 2006 Dec 8;44(3):166–172. doi: 10.1136/jmg.2006.046102

Table 2 Mutations identified in exons 18–21 of the EGFR gene (RefSeq NM_005228)*.

Sequence change Amino acid change Reference
Exon 18
 2126A→T E709V 42, 43
 2126A→C E709A 44, 45
 2126A→G E709G 44, 45
 2125G→A E709K 45
 2155G→A I715S 43
 2155 G→T G719C 40, 42–47
 2155 G→A G719S 39, 43–45
 2156 G→C G719A 42–44, 47, 48
 2159 C→T S720F 43, 48
Exon 19
 2225T→C V742A 49
 Del (2236–2244)+2245G→C+2248G→C E746‐R748 del with E749Q, A750P 47
 Del (2235–2249)/del (2236–2250) E746‐A750 del 39, 40, 42–50
 Del (2235–2236)+ E746‐A750 del with I, P ins 48
 Del (2242–2248)+2241A→C
 Del (2237–2251)+2252C→T E746‐A750 del with V ins 43
 Del (2237–2251) E746‐T751 del with A ins 44–46, 48, 50
 Del (2235–2236)+ E746‐T751 del with I ins 43, 48
 Del (2239–2252)/
 Del (2235–2252)+
 Del (2235–2236)+ E746‐T751del with I, P ins 48
 Del (2242–2248)+2241A→C
 2237–2238 AA→TC+ E746‐T751 del with V ins 43, 49
 Del (2239–2253)
 Del (2484–2501) E746‐S752 del with D ins 44
 Del (2237–2254)+2255C→T E746‐S752 del with V ins 45, 48, 50
 Del (2239–2247) L747‐E749 46
 Del (2239–2247)+2248G→C L747‐E749 del with P ins 39, 42, 43, 45
 Del (2240–2248)+2239T→C L747‐T750 del with P ins 43, 48
 Del (2238–2252)/ L747‐T751 del 43, 44, 48, 49
 Del (2239–2253)/
 Del (2240–2254)
 Del (2240–2251) L747‐T751 del with S ins 40, 46, 48
 Del (2239–2256) L747‐S752 del 44, 48
 Del (2239–2256)+2258 C→A L747‐S752 del with Q ins 43
 Del (2238–2255)+2237A→T L747‐S752 del, E746V 39
 Del (2240–2257) L747‐P753 del with S ins 39, 40, 42–46, 48–50
 Del (2240–2257) L747S, R748‐P753 del 47
 Del (2254–2277) S752‐I759 del 39, 47
 2273A→G E758G 49
Exon 20
 2308 ins GCCATA M766‐A767 with AI ins 47
 2308 ins CCAGCGTGG+ A767‐S768 with SVA ins 47
 2310C→T silent
 2303G→T S768I 43–45, 47
 Dup (2549–2557) S768‐D770 dup 44
 2308–2316 ins GCCAGCGTG ASV770‐772 ins 43
 2320–2322 ins CAC H774 ins 43
 2317–2222 ins AACCCC+ NP773‐774 ins, H775Y 43
 2223 C>T
 2320–2325 ins CCCCAC PH774‐775 ins 43
 2320–2328 ins AACCCCCAC NPH774‐776 ins 43
 2326C→T R776C 51
 2308 ins (CCAGCGTGG)+ ins779 ASV+P782R 48
 2310C→T+ 2315C→G
 2311 ins (GCGTGGACA)+ ins780 SVD+P782R 48
 2369 C→T T790M 52–55
Exon 21
 2743T→G L833V 44
 2750A→T H835L 44
 2758C→G L838V 44
 2513T→C L838P 49
 2520C→T A840A 49
 2527G→A V843I 49
 2551G→A V851I 49
 2572C→A L858M 46
 2573T→G L858R 39, 40, 42–50
 2582T→A L861Q 40, 42–45
 2593G→A E856L 49
 2612C→T A871V 49

*Only mutations reported with both nucleotide and amino acid changes are summarised. The beginning of the coding sequence is defined as +1.