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Table 1 Description of Asian Herbal‐Tobacco Cigarette Brands and Health Claims.

Brand (translation) Herb* Country Year Produced Health Claim
Anti‐Asthma20,21 Unknown China 1970 Relieves asthma
Changle22,23,24,25,26 (“Long Happiness”) 1% Apocynum venetum China 1982 Reduces toxic substances and nicotine
Relieves bronchitis, cough, and asthma
Green Oriental27 18 herbs China 2004 Raises immunity
Protects kidney
Reduces phlegm production
“Guocao”28 (Name of company) Herb only: Mugwort (Artemisia vulgans) and other herbs China 2003 Cigarette substitute
Relieves asthma and phlegm
Increase immunity
Fever relief and sedation
Protect liver and gallbladder
Reduce blood pressure
Hsiang Yang Ginseng29 Ginseng China 1986 Unknown
JinJian30 (export name of Changle) 1% Apocynum venetum China 1982 Reduces toxic substances and nicotine
Relieves bronchitis, cough, and asthma
JiangShan31 (“River & Mountain”) herbaceous peony, thorowax, curculigo rhizome, longspur epimedium China 2000 Reduces tar level
JinSheng32 (“Golden Saint”) Herbal mixture China 1996 Reduce free radicals and harmful substances
Protects kidneys
KangXi33 (Name of Emperor) Tropaeolum peregrinum China 2000 Reduces harmful substances
Protects lung and liver
Relieves cough, phlegm, and inflammation
Puleye34 Puleye herbal extract China 2001 Reduces carcinogens, mutagenicity and acute toxicity
QunYingHui35 (“Elite”) 18 herbs China 2004 Reduces harmful substance
Wuyeshen36 (“Five‐leaf Magic”) “Shennong extracting liquid” China 2000 Reduces carcinogenic substances (including nitrous ammonia and nicotine)
Readjusts immune system
Reduces oxidative and mutagenic injury
Reduces cough, sore throat
YangJinHua 20,21 (Name of herb Flos daturae) 50% Flos daturae China 1959 Relieves asthma
YiXing37 (“Changing Stars”) 40 herbs only: radix ginseng, fos caryophylli, herba menthae, and radix polygalae China 1997 Cigarette substitute
Relieves fatigue, cough, and sputum production
Zhenxi32 (“Precious Selenium”) Selenium‐rich tobacco leaf China 1996 Reduces levels of tar, benzo(a)pyren, and free radicals
Zhongnanhai 25,38 (Name of place where emperor lives) Apocynum venetum China 1982 Treats tracheitis and pulmonary heart disease, phlegm, and cough
Reduces side effects from tar, nicotine, and carbon monoxide
Blue39 Herb only: Artemisia absinthium Korea 2002 Cigarette substitute
Increases blood circulation
“Purification effect” with simultaneous cigarette use
Figo Super Lights40 Loess Korea 2002 Reduces harmful components like nicotine, tar, carbon monoxide.
GT39 Green tea Korea 2003 Removes harmful components like carcinogens
NosmoQ41,42 (“Herb that stops smoking”) Herb only: Eucommia ulmoldes Korea 1996 Smoking cessation
Sante Luxury43 50 substances including ginseng and honey Korea 2003 Unknown
V43 Lao herbs Korea 2004 Reduced lung and throat irritation
SINOX 10044 10 herbs including Eriobotrya japonica and Pericarpium Citri Reticulatae. Taiwan 1999 Helps respiratory system
Herbal Krongthip45,46 Andrographis paniculata Thailand 2000 Relieves throat irritation
Increases saliva production

* Herb and tobacco combined, unless otherwise indicated as herb only.