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. 2007 Dec;16(Suppl 1):i3–i8. doi: 10.1136/tc.2006.019737

Table 1 Trials of call‐back counselling interventions.

Study/country Population (follow‐up rate) Intervention(s) Control Criteria for cessation
Borland et al, 20017 Australia 998 callers to Victorian quitline (66%) Additional calls, 2 or more according to need, average 2.8 Motivational counselling at initial call, self help materials Quit at 12 months (sustained for 9 months)
Borland et al, 20038 Australia 1051* callers to Victorian quitline (76%) Additional calls usually over 2–3 weeks, average 4.8 Quit pack and 3 mailings of tailored letters, possibility of brief counselling at initial call Quit at 12 months (sustained for 9 months)
Gilbert et al, 20069 United Kingdom 1457 UK quitline callers (63%) Up to 5 calls over 4 weeks. 26% received none, 42% received ⩾4 Counselling at initial call, self help materials Quit at 12 months (sustained for 6 months)
Hollis et al, 200510 United States 4614 Oregon quitline users (69%) Factorial trial of free NRT and 3 levels of counselling(1) Moderate counselling; 30–40 minutes motivational interview, brief 2nd call, tailored self help.(2) As (1) plus offer of 4 further calls Brief 15‐minute telephone counselling, self help materials and referral information, +/− NRT Quit at 12 months (for >30 days)
Rabius et al, 200411 United States 3522 quitline callers (∼66% at 3 months) 5 calls over 2 weeks (Stanford model) Self help materials Quit at 6 months (for 3 months)
Smith et al, 200413 Canada 632 quitline callers (73% print only, 62% counselling at 12 months) (1) 50‐minute initial call then 2 5–10‐minute calls at 2 and 7 days Self help materials Quit at 12 months (sustained)
(2) As (1) plus 4 further calls at 14, 21, 35 and 49 days (factorial with self help variants)
Zhu et al, 199614 United States 3030 California quitline callers (86%) (1) single 50‐minute call pre‐quit date Self help materials Quit at 13 months (for 12 months)
(2) As (1) plus up to 5 further calls over 1 month
Zhu et al, 200215 United States 3282 California quitline callers seeking counselling (71%) Up to 7 calls over 3 months, First session pre‐quit (72% received at least 1 call average 3 sessions Self help materials. Telephone counselling also provided if requested (32% received) Quit at 13 months (for 12 months)
Rabius et al, 2006†12,21 6322 American Cancer Society quitline callers (52%) 3×2 factorial trial of session length and use of boosters Self help materials only Quit at 6 months
Zhu et al 2004†16 1101 pregnant women calling California smokers' helpline Up to 7 counselling calls (1 pre‐quit, up to 6 follow‐up). Quit kit including American Cancer Society booklet for pregnant smokers Quit for ⩾30 days at 3rd trimester evaluation

NRT, nicotine replacement therapy.

*In relevant arms.

†Not included in meta‐analysis.