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. 2007 Dec;16(Suppl 1):i3–i8. doi: 10.1136/tc.2006.019737

Table 2 Trials of different counselling interventions at time of first contact.

Study/country Population (follow‐up rate) Intervention(s) Control Criteria for cessation
Thompson et al, 199318 United States 382 smokers/recent quitters (83%) Immediate counselling based on stage, script tailored to blue collar workers using focus groups Immediate counselling based on standard fact sheets. Self help materials 6 months (PP)
Orleans et al, 199817 United States 1422 African Americans calling Cancer Information Service (CIS) (63%) Immediate counselling tailored to African Americans and tailored self help “Pathways to Freedom” Immediate standard CIS telephone counselling and standard guide “Clearing the Air” 6 months (PP) (12 months for 445 participants)

PP, point prevalence.