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Table 2 Multivariate analyses of perceived toxicity and perceived health risks of two combustible potentially reduced exposure products (n = 177 smokers).

Predictor variable Perceived toxicity of Advance and Eclipse Perceived health risk of Advance and Eclipse
Linear regression Logistic regression Linear regression Logistic regression
Amount of toxins (0–10) Switching would reduce exposure to toxin All or most of toxins have been reduced Amount of health risk (0–10) Switching would reduce chance of cancer
Coefficient p Value OR p Value OR p Value Coefficient p Value OR p Value
Health information box 0.128 NS 1.042 NS 0.688 0.054 0.444 0.006 0.756 0.039
Advertisement order 0.053 NS 1.421 0.032 0.736 NS −0.058 NS 1.030 NS
Brand −0.608 <0 1.029 NS 1.215 NS −0.308 0.055 1.207 NS
Gender −0.088 NS 1.255 NS 1.688 0.080 −0.241 NS 1.755 0.065
Race/ethnicity 0.044 NS 0.819 NS 1.739 0.075 0.034 NS 1.013 NS
Education (1–4)* −0.136 NS 0.996 NS 0.645 0.015 −0.083 NS 0.858 NS
Age* 0.017 NS 0.996 NS 0.966 <0 0.014 NS 0.983 0.055

NS, not significant.

*Education and age were modelled as continuous variables. Coding for dichotomous variables was as follows: health information box (0, no; 1, yes); advertisement order (0, first; 1, second); brand (0, Advance; 1, Eclipse); gender (0, female; 1, male); race/ethnicity (0, white; 1, minority).