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. 2007 Apr 2;83(4):267–275. doi: 10.1136/sti.2006.024364

Table 5 Cumulative major outcomes, quality adjusted life years lost, and costs expected over 10 years, the incremental cost per outcome for each screening strategy, and the average cost per outcome (compared to no screening) for each assumption about pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) progression: PID = 30%.

Total MO Total QALYs lost Total cost (£) Incremental cost (£)/MOA Incremental cost (£)/QALY gained Average cost (£)/MOA Average cost (£)/QALY gained
Baseline, no screening 3529 156 709 068
Strategy 1 <20 2216 92 796 042 66 1364 66 1364
Strategy 2 <20 1878 75 974 854 529 10 402 161 3283
Strategy 3 <20 1676 66 1 008 678 168 3845 162 3338
Strategy 1 <25 1799 75 1 110 924 Dominated Dominated 232 4960
Strategy 1 <30 1641 70 1 466 413 13 279 Dominated 401 8799
Strategy 2 <25 1397 55 1 600 015 546 53 317 418 8834
Strategy 3 <25 1195 46 1 682 280 407 8961 417 8845
Strategy 1 <35 1574 68 1 842 956 Dominated Dominated 580 12 987
Strategy 1 <40 1508 66 2 213 265 Dominated Dominated 744 16 829
Strategy 2 <30 1200 48 2 277 375 Dominated Dominated 673 14 589
Strategy 3 <30 1018 41 2 419 181 4181 149 930 681 14 877
Strategy 2 <35 1138 47 2 991 631 Dominated Dominated 955 21 068
Strategy 3 <35 909 38 3 163 011 6835 238 076 937 20 783
Strategy 2 <40 1071 46 3 696 199 Dominated Dominated 1215 27 228
Strategy 3 <40 852 37 3 921 645 13 304 714 049 1200 26 966

MO, major outcome; MOA, major outcomes averted. Values in the table are rounded for presentation. QALY, quality adjusted life years; All costs and effects are discounted at 3.5%. Results are presented in rank order of total costs, which include costs of infection, complications, and programme costs. Dominated means that the MOA or QALYs gained is less than the non‐dominated strategy above it in the table.