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. 2007 Jul 11;83(6):441–446. doi: 10.1136/sti.2007.025361

Table 1 Studies focused on chlamydia ordered alphabetically by author's name.

Author Intervention Setting Country Quality Static/dynamic model Main CE findings
Adams et al (2004)4 Opportunistic screening and partner notification GUM clinics, family planning clinics, antenatal clinics, termination of pregnancy clinics, GP clinics UK + Static £38.38 cost per positive episode (2001 value)
Blake et al (2004)5 Universal screening of males with NAAT including partner follow up Detention facilities US + Static $172k for 62 PID cases avoided; $148k for 99 PID cases avoided (year unclear)
Buhaug et al (1990)6 Screening for chlamydia Women undergoing gynaecological examinations in primary care Norway + Static Age 16 net saving NKr 42 PID cases avoided, age 34 net cost NKr1,536
Cohen et al (1998)7 Screening for chlamydia School USA Static $272 cost per infected student (year unclear)
Dryden et al (1994)8 Screening for chlamydia Primary care UK Static £245.78 cost per cure (year unclear)
Genc (1996)9 Screening (DNA amplification assays or ligase chain reaction) with standard practice Primary care Sweden Static Not explicitly stated but concludes ‘cost effective'
Gift (2002)10 Test for both chlamydia and gonorrhoea. Treat gonorrhoea positive for both diseases, and treat positive for just chlamydia Primary care USA + Static −$130 to $557 cost per PID case avoided (2000 value)
Gift et al (2005)11 Range of interventions to increase repeat screening in patients treated for gonorrhoea or chlamydia (verbal recommendation, monetary incentive, reminder card, counselling, phone call, letter) Sexually transmitted disease clinics USA + Static $224–$1620 cost per infection treated (2001 value)
Ginnochio (2003)12 LCR assay testing all young men Primary care USA ++ Static $6 to $1738 cost per case prevented (2000 value)
Howell et al (1997)13 Partner notification of index male/female of pelvic inflammatory disease Primary care USA + Static −$3900 to −$1700 (cost saving) per PID case avoided (1994 value)
Howell et al (1998)14 Screening of asymptomatic women based on CDC criteria Family planning clinics USA + Static 64 PID cases prevented saving $213k; 26 prevented saving $74k; 6 prevented cost $19k (1995 values)
Howell et al (1999)15 Screening for chlamydia in female army recruits Army USA + Static −$800 to $166 cost per PID case avoided (1995 value)
Hu (2004)16 No screening versus screening for all women Primary care USA ++ Static and dynamic $2350 to $7490 cost per QALY (2000 value)
Humphreys (1992)17 Universal screening of women Primary care USA Static Not explicitly stated but concludes ‘cost effective'
Kraut‐Becher et al (2004)18 Screening for chlamydia and gonorrhoea Jail USA + Static −$172 to 3690 per case of PID avoided (2002 value)
Marrazzo et al (1997)19 Universal screening Family planning and STD clinics USA + Static −$1044 (cost saving) to $43 per case avoided (1993 value)
Mehta et al (2002)20 Screening for chlamydia and gonorrhoea Emergency departments USA Static −$437 (cost saving) to $1694 per case treated (1999 value)
Mrus et al (2003)21 Screening Juvenile detention centres USA Static $80 to $505 cost per infection treated (1998 value)
Norman et al (2004)22 Screening for chlamydia Women attending antenatal, abortion, colposcopy and family planning clinics Scotland + Static £258 to £1196 cost per sequelae averted (2001 value)
Paavonen et al (1998)23 Screening of women Unclear what group of women Finland Static $50 cost per case without screen; $44 if 100% screened $47 if 50% (year unclear)
Peeling et al (1998)24 Screening of men STI clinic Canada + Static CAN$453 cost per infected case (1990 value)
Postma (2000)25 Screening of sexually active women General practice the Netherlands + Static −$35 (cost saving) to $2582 cost per major outcome averted (1996 value)
Postma (2001)26 Treatment of partners to females identified with chlamydia through opportunistic screening Primary care the Netherlands + Static €132 to €781 cost per major outcome averted (1996 value)
Sellors et al (1992)27 Screening for chlamydia selectively versus universally Family planning clinics Canada + Static CAN$28 to Can$9,864 cost per case detected (1989 value)
Van Bergen (2004)28 Pharmacy provision of tests to a high risk population, which are returned by post Pharmacy setting the Netherlands + Static Cost saving to €3740 cost per PID case avoided (2001 value)
Van V et al (2001)29 Systematic screening of women on home‐based collection of urine Primary care the Netherlands + Static $11 100 to $15 800 per major outcome averted (1996 value)
Ward (2006)30 Screening Not explicit Australia + Static −AUS$56 (cost saving) to AUS$56 net benefit (2002 value)
Welte et al (2000)31 GP‐based screening Primary care the Netherlands ++ Dynamic $492 per major outcome averted (1997 value)
Welte et al (2005)32 GP‐based screening GP clinics the Netherlands ++ Dynamic and static Cost saving to $700 cost per major outcome averted (1997 value)

CE, clinical evidence; GP, general practitioner; GUM, genito‐urinary medicine; NAAT, nucleic acid amplification test; Nkr, Norwegian Kronor; PID, pelvic inflammatory disease; STI, sexually transmitted infection.