Figure 6. ESdCs act as a current sink for HL-1 monolayers.
(A) Transmitted light image of HL-1/WT-ESdC co-culture on a MEA and the corresponding contour plot are shown (B; circle indicates position of the WT-ESdC). The conduction velocity (θ) through the HL-1 monolayer was analyzed along parallel paths distant from (dotted arrow) and underneath (solid arrow) the WT-ESdC. (C) Normalized θ along the two paths of excitation spread (electrodes are denounced by numbers) reflect a drop of θ at the location of the ESdC aggregate (position 2 solid arrow). (D) The summary (mean ± SD) of the ESdC aggregate induced reduction in θ was significantly larger in WT- (white) than in Cx43(−/−)-ESdC aggregates (grey). Number of experiments specified within the bar. * P < 0.05