All oral HPV infections, other than type HPV16, detected during the study are shown in the figure. Data from each case (indicated by case number in the column “subject”) is delineated by horizontal gray lines. Subjects with HPV16-positive and HPV16-negative HNSCC are above and below the black horizontal line, respectively. Each row indicates a separate, type-specific infection, specified in the column labeled “HPV type.” Oral rinse samples (ORS) that were β-globin positive and therefore evaluable are represented by circles: solid black and open circles represent HPV-positive and HPV-negative ORS, respectively. β-globin negative samples are represented by an “X.” Time points for oral rinse collection relative to the start of cancer therapy are indicated on the X-axis in days. Two patients had samples that predated start of treatment by an extended period of time because of temporary loss to follow-up (subject 95) or because of a prior diagnosis of a metasynchronous head and neck cancer (subject 6). * Not shown are three HPV-negative oral rinse samples from subject 96 collected at days 2348, 2576, 2665 post treatment start.