Figure 5.
A cyclic representation of the FRET distance between actin C374 and cTnI C167C in cardiac thin filaments (TF) determined in three states. The initial complex is TF•Mg2+ in the Mg2+ state in which the distance is 40.8 Å. In the clockwise direction, Ca2+ binding to TF•Mg2+ to form the second complex TF•Mg2+•Ca2+ increases the distance by 9.3 Å, and the subsequent binding of S1 to form the final complex TF•S1•Mg2+•Ca2+ (right vertical pathway) lengthens the distance by an additional 10.6 Å. The sum of the two increases in these two clockwise steps is 9.3 + 10.6 = 19.9 Å. In the counter clockwise pathway, S1 first binds to TF•Mg2+ to form TF•S1•Mg2+, increasing the distance by 13.5 Å. Ca2+ binding to form the final complex TF•S1•Mg2+•Ca2+ (lower pathway) lengthens the distance by another 6.4 Å. The sum of these two increases in the counter clockwise direction is 13.5 + 6.4 = 19.9 Å. The difference in the distances between TF•Mg2+ (initial state) and TF•S1•Mg2+•Ca2+(final state) is 19.9 Å (60.7 – 40.8), independent of how the final state is reached, whether along the clockwise or the counter clockwise direction.