1) Temperature-mediated increases in rates of development for free-living stages, or those in intermediate hosts |
2) Reduced parasite generation time, e.g., shifts from multiyear to single-year cycles, or from single to multiple within year |
3) Environment-mediated changes (increases or decreases) in survival rates for developmental stages |
4) Extension of season for parasite growth and transmission resulting from earlier thaw in spring and/or later freeze during fall |
5) Amplification of parasite populations over time through accelerated development, increased rates of transmission, survival, and availability |
6) Increases in parasite prevalence and abundance |
7) Changes in density-dependant linkages for hosts and parasites leading to altered patterns of abundance for host populations
Functional responses (changes in host and geographic ranges) |
1) Shifting patterns of geographic range for hosts and parasites including latitudinal and/or altitudinal shifts |
2) Alterations in host range for parasites through geographic and host colonization, successful establishment in naive host species or host populations |
3) Changing phenology (timing) for habitat use through alteration of migration and migratory corridors, relative changes in spatial and temporal overlap |
4) Modification of ecotones and contact zones including northward or southward expansion for hosts and/or parasites if environmental tolerances are not exceeded |
5) Local extirpation because conditions exceed developmental tolerances
Microevolutionary responses |
1) Local adaptation through selection for optimal patterns of development |
2) Directional changes in gene frequencies for parasites |
3) Geographic mosaics or ephemeral patterns of local adaptation and emergence
Cumulative/synergistic responses |
1) Breakdown in mechanisms for ecologic isolation promoting faunal interchange for hosts and parasites and cascading changes in ecosystems |
2) Variable and cumulative synergy affecting the structure of entire parasite–host communities during episodes of climate change |