Table. Epidemiologic data of Streptococcus suis isolates from patients in Thailand, 1998–2002*.
Isolate no.† | Year of isolation | Site of isolation | Virulence-associated genes‡§ | Serotype | Diseases and symptoms | ST (ST complex) |
MNCM01 | 2000 | Blood | cps2J+/sly+/epf+/mrp+ | 2¶ | Endocarditis | 1 (1) |
MNCM06 | 2000 | Blood, CSF | cps2J+/sly+/epf+/mrp+ | 2 | Neck stiffness, deafness (meningitis) | 1 (1) |
MNCM16 | 2000 | CSF | cps2J+/sly+/epf+/mrp+ | 2 | Neck stiffness (meningitis) | 1 (1) |
MNCM07 | 2000 | Blood, CSF | cps1J+/sly+/epf*/mrpS+ | 14 | Neck stiffness (meningitis), death | 11 (1) |
MNCM04 | 2000 | Blood | cps2J+/sly–/epf–/mrp**+ | 2 | Neck stiffness, deafness (meningitis) | 25 (27)# |
MNCM10 | 2000 | Blood | cps2J+/sly–/epf–/mrp**+ | 2 | Septicemia | 25 (27)# |
MNCM24 | 2001 | Blood | cps2J+/sly–/epf–/mrp**+ | 2¶ | Endocarditis | 25 (27)# |
MNCM26 | 2001 | Blood | cps2J+/sly–/epf–/mrp**+ | 2 | Endocarditis, deafness (meningitis) | 25 (27)# |
MNCM51 | 2002 | Blood | cps2J+/sly–/epf–/mrp**+ | 2 | Septicemia, diarrhea, death | 25 (27)# |
MNCM55 | 2002 | Blood | cps2J+/sly–/epf–/mrp**+ | 2 | Septic shock, death | 25 (27)# |
LPH4 | 2001 | Blood | cps2J+/sly–/epf–/mrp**+ | 2 | Septicemia, diarrhea | 25 (27)# |
LPH12 | 2002 | Blood | cps2J+/sly–/epf–/mrp**+ | 2 | Septic shock, death | 25 (27)# |
MNCM43 | 2002 | Blood | cps2J+/sly–/epf–/mrp+ | 2 | Endocarditis | 28 (27) |
MNCM21 | 1998 | CSF | cps2J+/sly+/epf–/mrp– | 2 | Meningitis | 101 (27)# |
MNCM25 | 2001 | Blood | cps2J+/sly–/epf–/mrp**+ | 2 | Neck stiffness (meningitis), diarrhea, death | 102 (27)# |
MNCM54 | 2002 | Blood | cps2J+/sly–/epf–/–mrp**+ | 2 | Neck stiffness (meningitis), diarrhea | 102 (27)# |
MNCM33 | 2002 | Blood, CSF | cps2J+/sly–/epf–/mrp**+ | 2 | Neck stiffness (meningitis) | 103 (27)# |
LPH3 | 2001 | Blood | cps2J+/sly–/epf–/mrp**+ | 2 | Meningitis | 103 (27)# |
LPH5 | 2001 | Blood | cps2J+/sly–/epf–/mrp**+ | 2 | Septicemia | 103 (27)# |
MNCM50 | 2002 | Blood | cps2J+/sly+/epf–/mrp– | 2 | Pulmonary edema, death | 104 (27)# |
*ST, sequence type; CSF, cerebrospinal fluid. †Isolates with MNCM number and LPH number were isolated from patients at Maharaj Nakorn Chiang Mai Hospital and Lamphun Hospital, Thailand, respectively. ‡Virulence-associated gene profiling was done as described previously (10). cps1J and cps2J, serotype 1 (and 14) and 2 (and 1/2) specific genes, respectively, involved in the capsular biosynthesis; sly, suilysin gene; epf, extracellular factor gene; mrp, muraminidase-released protein gene; +, positive; –, negative. §epf*, an epf variant that produces an ≈3,000-bp fragment by PCR with primers described previously (10); mrp** and mrpS, mrp variants that produce ≈1,800-bp and ≈750-bp fragments, respectively, by PCR with primers described previously (10). ¶Coagglutination reaction using anti-serotype 2 serum was weak. #ST25, ST101, ST102, ST103, and ST104 belong to the ST27 complex, only with a less-stringent approach that defines an ST complex by sharing of alleles at >5 of the 7 loci.