Figure 2.
Neighbor-joining tree of 158 H5N1 isolates constructed by using PAUP* version 4.0b10 (9). Estimates of the phylogenies were calculated by performing 1,000 neighbor-joining bootstrap replicates. Distinct amino acid residues shared only by isolates within a particular clade are shown on the line above the clade-defining node when present. Amino acid substitutions represent change relative to Gs/GD/1/96. The small tree was rooted at the clade 0 node for larger scaling. Scale bar represents 0.01-nt changes. Ck, chicken; Gs, goose; Dk, duck; Ph, pheasant; CPH, Chinese pond heron; Ty, turkey; Gf, Guinea fowl; MDk, migratory duck; BHGs, bar-headed goose; WDk, wild duck; Qa, quail; Pg, pigeon.