Figure 1.
Abrogation of E1111 of the Nav1.2 ankyrin-binding motif did not impair ion channel segregation at the AIS of hippocampal neurons. Cell surface distribution of Kv2.1 (A), Kv2.1-ΔCter (B), Kv2.1-Nav1.2 (C), and Kv2.1-Nav1.2 E1111A mutant (D–F) in cultured hippocampal neurons. The addition of the Nav1.2 ankyrin-binding motif to the C terminus of Kv2.1-ΔCter segregated Kv2.1 at the AIS (C, arrow). Kv2.1-Nav1.2 compartmentalization at the AIS was not impaired by the Nav1.2 E1111A mutation (D and F, arrow). The indicated constructs were immunodetected with an antibody to myc (green) before cell permeabilization; the somatodendritic domain was subsequently identified by MAP2 staining. Bars, 10 μm.