Fig. 6.
Di- and Monoacylglycerol induced mitochondrial Ca2+ release: Effects of permeability transition inhibition and La3+. (A): Mitochondria are loaded with two pulses of CaCl2 (400 nmol each at 350 and 500 s) followed by addition of the following DAG or MG at 600 and 750 s (100 μM each pulse): trace a, 2-Monooleoylglycerol (C18:1, [cis]-9); trace b, 1,3-Di-([cis]-9-octadecenoyl)-rac-glycerol; trace c, vehicle; trace d, 1-Monooleoyl-rac-glycerol (C18:1, [cis]-9). (B): Mitochondria are pretreated with a PTP inhibitor (at 50 s) and challenged with two pulses of CaCl2 (400 nmol each at 350 and 500 s) followed by addition of 2-Monooleoylglycerol at 600 and 750 s (50 μM each pulse); trace a,no PTP inhibitor; trace b,2 μM Cys A; trace c,20 μM BKA. (C): LaCl3 inhibits the 2-MG induced Ca2+ efflux: Mitochondria are loaded with two pulses of CaCl2 (400 nmol each at 100 and 200 s) followed by addition of 1 mM LaCl3 at 300 s; subsequently, 100 μM 2-Monooleoylglycerol is added at 500 s. (D): LaCl3 inhibits the palmitic acidinduced Ca2+ efflux: In trace a, mitochondria are loaded with two pulses of CaCl2 (400 nmol each at 100 and 200 s); subsequently, 10 μM palmitic acid is added at 400 and 600 s; in trace b, mitochondria are loaded with two pulses of CaCl2 (400 nmol each at 100 and 200 s) followed by addition of 1 mM LaCl3 at 300 s; subsequently, 10 μM palmitic acid is added at 400 and 600 s.