Figure 4.
Effect of temperature on action potential duration (APD90) and QT interval in the arterially perfused left ventricular wedge preparation. BCL = 2000 ms.
A: Superimposed transmembrane action potentials recorded from subepicardial and subendocardial M cell regions before and after an increase in temperature of the superfusion solution from 37 to 40°C in control (left) and in the presence of E-4031 (1 μmol/L) and chromanol 293B (30 μmol/L)
B: Left panel: Graph plots summary data of the effect of hyperthermia on the APD90 of epicardial (Epi), subepicardial M cell (Subepi M), subendocardial M cell (Subendo M), and endocardial (Endo) regions of the wedge under control conditions and in the presence E-4031 (1 μmol/L), chromanol 293B (30 μmol/L), and the combination of the two agents (n=8 for each). Right panel shows a large variability in the response of QT interval to hyperthermia.
* p<0.05 and † p<0.001 vs. control 36°C for each region; ‡ - p<0.05 and § - p<0.001 vs. 36°C for each condition. n=8 for each. Mean ±SEM.