Co-immunoprecipitation of mPRα coupled to G protein α subunits in spotted seatrout oocyte membranes with specific inhibitory G protein (Gi 1,2, Go) antibodies followed by immunodetection of seatrout mPRα by Western blot analysis. Membranes (10 μg) were incubated for 45 min. with vehicle or 290 nM 20 β-S, solubilized and then incubated overnight with 5 μl of Gαi1,2 or Gαo antibody or nonimmune rabbit serum (niR) and 50 μl of Protein A/G Plus-agarose beads. Immunoprecipitated seatrout mPRα protein was detected using the monoclonal PR10-1 antibody described in Zhu et al. (2003). Representative immunoblot is shown. There was a strong and specific association of Gαi1,2 with seatrout mPRα, whereas the mPRα protein was not detected in the Gαo or nonimmune rabbit serum immunoprecipitated samples. The amount of seatrout mPRα associated with Gαi1,2 was decreased after treatment with 20β-S (reproduced from Pace, 2005 [81] with permission).