Figure 3.
Structural comparison of LldR and FadR (apo form). (A) Structures of LldR and FadR monomers after superposing C-domains. LldR and FadR are shown as ribbon representations coloured blue and red, respectively. (B) Structural superposition of DNA-binding domains of LldR (blue) and FadR (red). (C) Structural superposition of LldR and FadR homodimers. The two monomers are coloured blue and cyan in LldR and red and green in FadR. (D) Schematic diagram showing domain swapping for LldR and FadR in homodimer assembly. (E) Enlarged view showing a comparison of interactions between the α4-linker and the domains for CGL295 and FadR. Cα traces of LldR and FadR are coloured blue and red, respectively; the residues are shown in a stick model, with oxygen atoms in red, nitrogen atoms in blue and carbon atoms grey in LldR and yellow in FadR.