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. 2008 Nov 12;36(22):7192–7206. doi: 10.1093/nar/gkn829

Table 1.

Alternatively spliced human SECISBP2 transcripts

Transcript name Exon combination No. of ESTs Normal tissue or cell line Primary tumors Cancer derived or transformed cell lines Complete mRNAs
SECISBP2 1–17 ∼120 Present in most tissues Present in several tumors Present in several cell lines NM024077 AK090608 AX746532 BC036109 AF380995
mtSECISBP2 1,2–3b,4,5,6 … 24 Pooled glandular (CB956376) Pancreas (BM315064) ES cell lines (CN256608, CN256604, CX870404) T-lympnocytes (CR994587) Liver Cho-CK cell line (CB121625) Thymus (DB160135) Small intestine (DA926236) Fetal brain (DA803510) Thalamus (DA403753) Corpus callosum (DA283160) Testis (DB459197, DC399547) Pooled mixed tissue (CV029893) Retinoblastoma (BE252177) Choriocarcinoma (BG481218) Terratocarcinoma (DA754929, DA758978) Tongue tumor (DA450129) Lymphoma (BQ049808) Osteosarcoma (BG113716) Neuroepithelioma (DA903910) Lymphoma (CR747151) 293T cell line (this study) AL136881 AK290182 AM392812
SECISBP2_Δ2 1–3a,4,5 … 2 ES cell line (CV811081) 293T cell line (this study)
SECISBP2_Δ3 1,2–4,5 … 3 Testis (DB459197) Genitourinary tract high-grade tumor (AW630547) Mammary gland tumor (BP313796)
SECISBP2_Δ7a 1–5,6b–7b … 3 Uterus (AI129567, AI128470) AB208940
SECISBP2_7c … 3,4,5, 6a–7c … (aa TRAD) 5 ES cell line (CN256603, CX787609) Squamous cell carcinoma (BP352801) Large cell carcinoma (BQ430224) Ovary terato-carcinoma cell line (BU850141)
SBP2_ 7d … 3,4,5, 6a–7d … (aa TRD) 5 Pancreas (BU069273) ES cell line (DN602260) Retinoblastoma (BC001189, BE779955) Prostate cancer (EC508545)
SECISBP2_Δ9 … 8–10 … 2 Retinal pigment epithelium (CA389610) Leiomyosarcoma (BU902304)

SECISBP2 transcripts that were identified experimentally or by EST database searches are listed according to the nomenclature proposed in the text. Information on exon combination, number of ESTs present, tissue of origin and corresponding GenBank accession numbers are given. ES=embryonic stem.