Figure 4. Effects of Incentives and Task during the preparation phase in Experiment 2.
3D renderings of brain areas with differential dynamics of activity (the graphs display the average signal change during the 6 seconds around the peak activity of each condition). Panel A: Comparing incentive effects (with counterbalanced HC vs LC trials) showed lateral OFC activity (peak Talairach coordinates -31, 29, -10) to expectation of negative incentive-related outcomes (i.e. Penalty trials). In contrast, activity in the dorsolateral PFC (top graph, peak Talairach coordinates -44, 40, 30) was equally increased by Reward or Penalty. Panel B: The HC vs LC task contrast when the HC task was associated with negative outcomes (i.e. increased error rates). Similar to Experiment 1, preparation for HC trials elicited increased activity in the dorsolateral PFC (peak Talairach coordinates -53, 20, 18). In addition, a similar albeit weaker effect was present in the lateral OFC region (BA 11/47, peak Talairach coordinates -34, 35, -10) activated by anticipation of negative incentives in both experiments (see Results).