Rac1 plasma membrane localization requires prenylation and an intact
PBR. mYFP-Rac1 fusions were expressed in COS1 cells and imaged
microscopically for YFP fluorescence. A, mYFP-Rac1(WT); B,
mYFP-Rac1(K186E), defective for effector (PIP5Kα) binding; C,
mYFP-Rac1(C189S), lacking prenylation; D, Lyn-mYFP-Rac1(C189S),
myristoylated derivative; E, mYFP-Rac1(6Q), defective PBR;
F, Lyn-mYFP-Rac1(6Q)(C189S); G, mYFP; H, Lyn-mYFP,
myristoylated mYFP. Note that Lyn myristoylation targets proteins localized
nuclearly (C) or perinuclearly (E) to the plasma membrane
(F and H, respectively). White scale bar in
H, 20 μm (applies to all panels).