Rac1 self-association is stimulated by Yersinia infection.
COS1 cells were transfected with mCFP-Rac1 and mYFP-Rac1 constructs
(A and D), mCFP-GerGer and mYFP-GerGer (B), or
Lyn-mCFP-Rac1(C189S) and Lyn-mYFP-Rac1(C189S) (C). Transfected cells
were challenged the next day with a 30-min incubation of YPIII(p-)
(A-C) or YP17/pYopT (D), followed by immunostaining of
extracellular bacteria (Ext. bacteria) bound onto host
cells. Sensitized and normalized FRET readings (sens. FRET
and norm. FRET, respectively) were determined as described
(see “Materials and Methods”). The arrows denote nascent
phagosomes. E, mean normalized FRET levels at nascent phagosomes were
plotted comparing mCFP-Rac1/mYFP-Rac1 and mCFP-GerGer/mYFP-GerGer as described
in the legend to Fig.
3I. White scale bar in D, 5 μm
(applies to all panels).