Haplotype (H), individual identification (band ID) and RAs used by adult females from 2002 to 2007. (‘X’ is used to indicate residency in RA1 before the move (2002–2004), ‘B’ indicates the bat was born in the area that year, ‘+’ indicates the bat was detected in both RA1 and RA4, ‘1’ indicates the bat was detected only in RA1, and ‘4’ indicates the bat was detected in only RA4. Most bats located in both areas in 2005 were only in RA4 during 2006, while bats only in RA1 during 2005 remained in RA1 during 2006. Most bats in RA4 during 2006 stayed for 2007, while bats only in RA1 during 2006 stayed in RA1, went to both areas, or were found only in RA4. Bats born after 2005 and bats present in 2005 but not recorded in 2006 are not shown.)