Fig. 7.
Rosiglitazone treatment significantly increased the post-TBI induction of HSP27 and HO1 protein expression in the cerebral cortex. The panels show representative sections immunostained for HO1 (A to D) and HSP27 (E to H) from the mice sacrificed after sham-operation (A and E), and 2 days after TBI and treated with either vehicle (B and F) or rosiglitazone (C and G) or GW9662 (D and H). A similar pattern of staining was observed with n of 4 mice per group. Panels I and J shows representative immunoblots of HO1 (I) and HSP27 (J) prepared with the cortical tissue of cohorts of mice subjected to TBI and treated with vehicle, rosiglitazone and GW9662. The house-keeping control β-actin levels were not altered by TBI or any treatment (I and J). The bars in I and J are mean ± SD of n = 4 per group. Statistics: *p < 0.05 compared to the vehicle/TBI group by ANOVA followed by Tukey—Kramer multiple comparisons post-test.