Figure 4. Aerosol transmission of rPan99 wild-type, rPan99 627E and rPan99 627E 701N viruses in guinea pigs.
Nasal wash titers are plotted as a function of time post-inoculation. Titers of intranasally inoculated animals are represented by dashed lines and filled squares; titers of exposed guinea pigs are shown with solid lines and filled triangles. (A) The cumulative results of two experiments with rPan99 wild-type virus are shown. All four exposed guinea pigs were infected in both experiments. (B) The cumulative results of three experiments with rPan99 627E are shown. One of four, three of four and two of four exposed guinea pigs became infected in the first, second and third experiments, respectively. (C) The cumulative data from three experiments with rPan99 627E 701N are shown. Two of four, four of four, and four of four exposed guinea pigs became infected in the first, second, and third experiments, respectively.