(A) Cytogenetic localization of the test clone (zK014B13, labeled in orange) near the middle of the long arm of LG chromosome 17 (denoted by white arrow). A BAC clone (zK013L17), which is the near-telomeric marker for the short arm of LG chromosome 17, is labeled in green. (B) A gain on LG chromosome 17 (in the test probe, zK014B13, labeled in A.) as detected by array CGH in the transgenic RMS zebrafish model. (C) Test probe (zK014B13, labeled in orange) and control probe (zK013L17, labeled in green) co-hybridized upon normal cells. Two signals for each probe were observed at equal intensity. (D) Test probe (zK014B13, labeled in orange) and control probe (zK013L17, labeled in green) co-hybridized upon tumor cells. Two signals of equal intensity were observed for the control probe, while there were three signals for the test probe in approximately half of the cells with all signals having a slight increase in signal intensity in comparison to the signal intensity of the test probe in the normal cells.