Fig. 5.
Line graphs illustrating the relative distributions and densities of remyelinated axons along the longitudinal axis of a representative X-EB lesion transplanted with 30,000 freshly isolated Schwann cells from a normal young adult rat sciatic nerve. A: Line graph showing cross-sectional areas of the targeted dorsal column area, demyelinated lesion, and myelin-rich region within the lesion at successive 0.25-mm intervals along the rostral/caudal axis. Filled squares, filled circles, and filled triangles, respectively, represent the cross-sectional areas of the entire dorsal column, demyelinated lesion, and myelin-rich region within the lesion. Shaded areas under curves indicate the volumes of the intact or undemyelinated area of the dorsal column, and the myelin-rich and myelin-poor regions within the lesion. Note that the myelin-rich region extends almost throughout the length of the lesion but does not fill the lesion completely at any level. B: Line graph showing the densities of remyelinated axons in myelin-rich and myelin-poor areas along the rostral/caudal axis for the same lesion shown in A. Note the sharp differences between myelinated axon densities in the myelin-rich and poor areas and the relatively uniform density of myelinated axons throughout most of the lesion.