Further improvement of sensitivity of FACTT by streptavidin-based amplification of the signal. A) Schematic diagram illustrating the streptavidin-based amplification in FACTT 2.0. B) Comparison of FACTT and FACTT 2.0 in the detection of streptavidin. Streptavidin (50 fg/ml) was coated onto a 384-well high binding plate and the wells were blocked with 1% casein. For FACTT, RNA polymerase amplification was performed after the DNA template was incubated with streptavidin, and the unbound templates were removed by washing. For FACTT 2.0, before T7 RNA polymerase amplification, the streptavidin-coated wells were incubated sequentially with the double biotinylated DNA template (BB), streptavidin and BB again. Unbound streptavidin and BB were removed by a PBST wash. Experiments were performed in triplicate.