Schematic illustrating the proposed roles of chitin size in anti-pathogen responses. . Chitin containing pathogens contain large chitin polymers that are felt to be biologically inert. The antiparasite response causes chitin fragmentation. The larger fragments (termed intermediate chitin) interact with a variety of macrophage receptor systems including, the macrophage mannose receptor and TLR-2 to produce a variety of proinflammatory cytokines and mediators including IL-17, IL-23, TNF and LTB4. The resulting inflammatory response can, in turn, stimulate the production of C/CLP. This includes AMCase which can further degrade the chitin polymers. This results in the accumulation of even smaller molecules (termed small chitin) which can induce the production of the anti-inflammatory cytokine IL-10 via Dectin -1. It also includes BRP-39/YKL-40 which can control inflammatory cell death. In an appropriately regulated response, the anti-inflammatory effects of molecules like IL-10 and the degradation of chitin to smaller saccharides (for example; di-saccharides and mono-saccharides) likely contribute to the resolution of the response once the pathogen has been controlled.