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. 2008 Oct 28;5:23. doi: 10.1186/1742-6405-5-23

Table 1.

Published definitions of suboptimal CD4 reconstitution among patients with viral suppression

Author Cohort description Duration of follow up Baseline CD4 count
Median (IQR) cells/μl
ART regimen Definition of SO-CD4
and Frequency
Clinical events among suboptimal responders versus complete responders
Lawn [5] 596 ART-naïve patients at a community HIV clinic in Cape Town, South Africa 48 weeks 97 (50–153) 2 NRTIs + 1 NNRTI Increase < 50 cells/μl at 12 months
No data
Tuboi [6] 1914 ART naïve in HIV clinics in Africa, Latin America and Asia (ART-LINC) 6 months 137 (49–240) 2 NRTIs +1 NNRTI
2 NRTIs + PI (29%)
Increase < 50 cells/μl at 6 months
No data
Tan [7] Prospective observational cohort of 404 ART naïve patients in an HIV clinic at the University of Alabama, Birmingham, US 9 months Mean = 214(SD 260) 2 NRTIs +1 NNRTI
2 NRTIs + PI (40%)
Increase < 50 cells/μl at 6 months
Patients with discordant CD4 and virologic responses were 2.28 times more likely to develop opportunistic infections/death aOR 2.28(1.31–4.00)
Teixeira [10] 21 ART naïve patients attending an Immunology clinic at 2 sites in the US (Ohio and San Francisco) 12 months 170 (90–276) No data Increase < 100 cells/μl at 1 year
No data
Jevtovic [18] Retrospective study of 446 patients at an HIV center in the Institute for Tropical diseases, Belgrade
52% ART naïve
33 months Mean 115 ± 95 2 NRTIs + PI (34%)
Absolute CD4 count of < 400 cells/μl at 2–3 years
Clinical events were no higher among virologic only responders than complete CD4 & virologic responders
Florence [12] EuroSida study – Prospective cohort of 8500 ART naïve patients in 63 hospitals of 20 European countries; 12 months 150 (80–228); 2 NRTIs + PI (86%)
2NRTIs +NNRTI (10.8%)
Increase < 50 cells/μl at 6 months
No data
Piketty [3] Prospective cohort of I62 ART experienced but PI -naive patients at an HIV clinic in France 12 months Mean 69 ± 5.0 2 NRTIs + PI Increase < 50 cells at 12 months
Higher Incidence of AIDS-defining events among virologic only responders (4/7) than complete responders (7/92) [P = 0.07]
Grabar [4] Prospective cohort of 2236 PI naïve patients from 68 hospitals in France 18 months 150(65–263) 2NRTIs +PI Increase < 50 cells/μl at 6 months
Patients with only good virologic responses were 3 times more likely to develop an AIDS-defining illness/death than complete responders RR 3.38 (2.28–5.02)
Kaufmann [13] Swiss cohort study – 293 ART naïve patients 5 years 180 (60–311) 2NRTIs +PI (98%) Absolute CD4 count below 500 cells/μl at 5 yrs
Higher incidence of CD4 category B events among incomplete responders (13.3%) than incomplete responders (9.6%) p > 0.05