Figure 6.
Methylation Specific PCR (MSP) confirmation of aberrant methylation detected by MS-MLPA for TP73.
Figure 6A: Lanes 1 & 2: universal methylated and unmethylated controls; Lanes 3-12 span UM cell lines 1a, 2-4 and 6. Note presence of methylated product in UM-SCV-1a, -2, -3 and -6. Note absence of methylated product in UM-SCV-4; Lanes 13 & 14: negative control.
Figure 6B: Lanes 1 & 2: universal methylated and unmethylated controls; Lanes 3-12 span UT cell lines 1-4 and 6. Note presence of methylated product in UT-SCV-2, -3, -4, and -6. Note absence of methylated product in UT-SCV-1; Lanes 13 & 14: negative control.