Figure 1.
Evoked neuronal activity is enhanced in the NAc of f/fc-fos-D1-cre (mutant) mice as compared to wild-type mice. (A) Representative traces showing that depolarizing currents evoke more action potentials in NAc neurons in f/fc-fos-D1-cre mice compared to those in wild-type mice (n=10-12 cells per group). (B) There is a significant difference in current-evoked spike response curves between NAc neurons in wild-type and f/fc-fos-D1-cre mice (F1,12=5.50; p < 0.05, Newman-Keuls test, *p < 0.05). (C) Representative action potential traces indicate that the amplitude of action potentials (AP) and after-hyperpolarization (AHP) was reduced in NAc neurons in f/fc-fos-D1-cre mice compared to wild-type mice. (D) The current-voltage relationship shows that the inward rectification during membrane hyperpolarization is not affected by the Fos mutation in f/fc-fos-D1-cre mice.