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. 2008 Aug 5;275(1651):2627–2632. doi: 10.1098/rspb.2008.0594

Table 2.

The influence of age, experience, sex and endophyte on the measured life-history parameters of A. vulgaris. (All the interactions were not significant and were therefore not included in the analyses. The p-values were adjusted for multiple testing using Bonferroni corrections. The significant and marginally significant results are presented in bold letters. For the random factor ‘female identity’, the percentage of variation occurring between females is presented.)

development lifespan weight sex ratio
single factors
age F1,5=6.12 F1,5=0.38 F1,5=3.51 F1,5=2.55
p=0.225 p=1.00 p=0.479 p=0.684
experience F1,11=5.47 F1,11=2.10 F1,11=0.99 F1,11=1.16
p=0.157 p=0.700 p=1.00 p=1.00
sex F1,40=21.95 F1,40=11.89 F1,40=9.81
p<0.001 p=0.004 p=0.010
endophyte F1,40=0.14 F1,40=6.74 F1,40=0.20 F1,41=1.64
p=1.00 p=0.053 p=1.00 p=0.830
random factor
female identity <0.01% 0.09% <0.01% <0.01%