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. 2008 Aug 12;275(1652):2715–2722. doi: 10.1098/rspb.2008.0825

Table 1.

Mean scores given to three MHC-similar and three MHC-dissimilar male odours by 110 normally cycling women tested during the late follicular phase (session 1). The core sample excludes non-UK women and shirts worn by non-UK men or those that were noted by the participant as smelling of tobacco smoke or fragranced products.


measure similar dissimilar paired t d.f. p
all women, all shirts
pleasantness 3.95±0.08 3.89±0.09 0.41 109 0.685
desirability 3.47±0.10 3.42±0.11 0.37 109 0.713
intensity 4.25±0.09 4.50±0.09 1.95 109 0.053
core sample (UK women, no confounds)
pleasantness 3.77±0.11 3.87±0.13 0.57 84 0.569
desirability 3.35±0.13 3.42±0.14 0.44 84 0.661
intensity 4.18±0.13 4.32±0.12 0.78 84 0.436