Expression of Gpr48 in fetal liver. A, RT-PCR analysis of
Gpr48 mRNA levels from E13.5 Gpr48 wild-type (+/+), heterozygous (+/-), and
homozygous (-/-) fetal livers, showing no Gpr48 expression in Gpr48-/- fetal
liver. B and C, LacZ staining of E15.5 Gpr48 wild-type
(+/+), heterozygous (+/-), and homozygous (-/-) fetal liver sections.
Gpr48+/- and Gpr48-/- fetal liver
showed positive staining in liver (upper right panel, B,
magnification 100×) and at cell surface membrane (lower right panel,
C, magnification 1000×). Sections were counterstained with