Parp-1 binds to the BRCA2 promoter. A, MCF-7 cell
nuclear extracts were mixed with a biotinylated WT probe and a mutant probe
(M). The DNA-protein complex was isolated with streptavidin-labeled
magnetic beads. The magnetic bead column was washed and eluates were
collected. Eluted fractions were separated on 10% acrylamide gels and
visualized by silver staining. The 120-kDa protein band indicates a prominent
DNA-protein complex. BSA was used as a control, and its position is indicated
by a black arrow. The experiment was carried out three times. E1, E2,
E3 (WT probe eluates); M, mutant probe eluate. B, mass
spectrometry of the ∼120-kDa protein. C, EMSAs and antibody
super-shifts were performed in MCF-7 nuclear extracts using WT, mutant probes,
and Parp-1 antibody. D, EMSAs were carried out in MCF-7 nuclear
extracts using the end-streptavidin blocked-biotin-labeled WT and mutant
probes.E, luciferase activity of Del-9 in MCF-7 cells treated with
3-AB/NU1025, two Parp-1 inhibitors, or DMSO for 12 h.