Effects of β-NAD+, oxidative stress, and aging on Myb
interaction with PARP-1 and p53. RLNE was incubated at 37 °C with
β-NAD+ (500 μm)-containing buffer to promote
PARP-1-mediated poly(ADP-ribosyl)ation and then immunoprecipitated with B-Myb
antibody (A) and B-Myb and c-Myb antibodies (B) followed by
Western blotting as shown. Duplicate lanes in A correspond
to duplicate experiments. C, B-Myb/PARP-1 interaction in H4IIE cells
in the presence or absence of TBH (4 μm). D, Western
blot assay of B-Myb, c-Myb, andβ-actin levels in H4IIE cells that were
treated with vehicle or TBH. 50 μg of protein was used per lane.
E, sequential ChIP (first ChIP with anti-c-Myb) on liver chromatin of
young (4 months) and old rats (22 months). Two rats from each group were
analyzed separately, and q-PCR was run in triplicate. Combined data from each
age is presented as the average ± S.D.