FIGURE 4. Co-immunoprecipitation of POLRMT-MRPL12 complexes from HeLa cells.
Shown are Western blots of the input (top panels) and anti-FLAG antibody-mediated immunoprecipitations (bottom panels) of MRPL12 from HeLa whole cell lysates from an empty vector transfected negative control cell line (V) or a FLAG-tagged MRPL12 overexpression cell line (L12). The input lanes were probed with the FLAG antibody to detect FLAG-tagged MRPL12 and with antibodies that recognize HSP60 (a mitochondrial matrix marker) or COX1 (a mitochondrial inner membrane protein) as controls. The immunoprecipitations were probed with these same antibodies, as well as with a POLRMT antibody to assay for co-immunoprecipitation of POLRMT by FLAGtagged MRPL12.