FIG. 6.
Quantification of growth and recovery of L. plantarum WCFS1 cultured on MRS-Gelrite on warmed microscope slides, tracked during growth by transmission microscopy, and quantified by calculation of microcolony areas. (A) Individual growth curves during recovery from low pH. The outgrowth of 20 CFU is shown. These cells were grown for 2 days on PAO at pH 3 and then moved by use of a toothpick onto MRS-Gelrite at pH 6.5 and imaged during growth. (B) Results of a control experiment with 20 CFU of L. plantarum transferred after 2 days growth on PAO (at a starting pH of 6.5) to MRS-Gelrite at pH 6.5. (C) Variance within microcolony areas of each of the two populations plotted against recovery time, calculated from log10 microcolony areas. Open squares represent data for cells recovering from pH 3 (data calculated as described for panel A), and filled squares represent data for control cells (data from the results described for panel B).