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. 2008 Jul 18;363(1507):3233–3243. doi: 10.1098/rstb.2008.0090

Table 4.

Summary of Fos immediate early gene neuroanatomical mapping studies on context-induced reinstatement of drug seeking. (Under ‘cocaine’ or ‘alcohol’, we list brain sites where there are significant differences in Fos expression between groups of rats exposed to the training context (ABA) versus the distinct (ABB) or recent (AAA) extinction context. Under ‘anatomical specificity’, we provide a partial list of brain sites where group differences in Fos expression were not observed. BLA, basolateral amygdala; BNST, bed nucleus of stria terminalis; CPu, caudate putamen; PFC, prefrontal cortex; VTA, ventral tegmental area.)

cocaine alcohol anatomical specificity
Marinelli et al. (2007); c-fos mRNA BLA accumbens core and shell
lateral amygdala CPu
hippocampus CA3 area septum
(non-significant trend in CA1 and CA2) BNSTVTAcentral amygdala
Hamlin et al. (2007); Fos protein BLA accumbens core and rostral pole
lateral hypothalamus accumbens dorsomedial shell
ventral accumbens shell dorsomedial and perifornical hypothalamus
ventral and dorsal medial PFC
substantia nigra
Hamlin et al. (2008); Fos protein BLA Dorsal medial PFC
lateral hypothalamus accumbens core and shell
ventral medial PFC CPu
central amygdala
lateral amygdala
dorsomedial and perifornical hypothalamus
substantia nigra