Plot of α + β + γ ATP:Pi ratios versus time of cold preservation. Rat pancreata were placed into a custom-made container with 44 mL of the appropriate cold preservation solution(s). The container was placed into a coil, which was tuned to 86.025 MHz and centered in a 5-T magnet maintained at 6°C. Three separate CP methods were compared: HTK + air (S1); HTK + O2 (S2); TLM + O2 (S3). All storage solutions were either recharged with O2 or exposed to air for 15 minutes every 3 hours and spectra were acquired after 3, 6, 9, 12, and 24 hours of cold preservation. During data acquisition, the 31P-NMR spectra were collected for 1024 scans with 2048 points, a dwell time of 100 μs, and a relaxation time of 1 second. Spectra were analyzed with an exponential line broadening of 25 by fitting a Lorentzian function to all discernible peaks. The areas of the α-, β-, and γ-ATP peaks were summed and normalized to the area of the Pi peak to obtain the ratios shown.